Monday, September 23, 2019

yeah, i'm withdrawing my support for bernie sanders at this point.

he may claim that he needs to build a multiracial movement to win, but if doing that means morphing into the same neo-liberal candidate that he was presented as an antidote to, then there's not a lot of point in him winning.

i'm concerned about how his views on a number of social positions appear to be "evolving", and it's not for the better. i suspect he's converted to islam and hasn't told anybody; he's a stupid old man.

i'm not endorsing anybody else. and, flatly i'm not likely to even pay much attention.

he needed to attract voters like me in order to win. by doing almost the exact opposite of what he needed to do more or less across the board, he's failed to do so, and he will be lucky to finish third when it's over with.

we're all better off looking for a third party with a good health care policy. that is probably the greens, and it's better to get started now than to keep wasting time on bernie.