Monday, September 23, 2019

yeah, so, if the issue with the fan is hair in the motor - the only thing that makes sense, without concluding it was vandalized - then i'm not getting it out with scissors or tweezers or anything else. in order to disassemble these fans, you need an obscure kind of screwdriver that i don't have.

the only way i'm going to fix this is to try and spin it out, which means i'll need to run it in the bathtub repeatedly to try and pass it through. the hope is that if i spin the blades strenuously enough then whatever is overpowering the motor will reverse.

in the mean time, it is absolutely gross in here, but it's also too cold to open the window, so i'm just running the hot water all day instead and hoping it clears the shit out from the pipes. so, i guess we'll have to run the hot water non-stop for the next week. i can get the laundry going overnight, too, which should help.

hey, if he wants to be an asshole and break my $20 fan, we can give him a $300 water bill in retaliation. the guy's a complete waste of oxygen. i hope it forces him to sell his car.

and, i had made a lot of progress in cleaning this place up a bit, but i guess we'll have to wait until the end of the week and start again.

and, there is no possibility at all, whatsoever, that i'm going to turn the dehumidifier on. the problem down here is that it's too dry, not that it's too damp. and, if he'd just turn off the air conditioner, there wouldn't be a problem with condensation under the floor at all.