Thursday, October 10, 2019

actually, if i have to choose between giving the ndp the balance of power and giving the liberals another majority, i'll give the liberals another majority.

the ndp are not going to do anything to stop these pipelines, and most of the things they're running on are actually provincial issues that are outside of their jurisdiction. the only positive outcome of a liberal minority is the hope that we can get back to the polls sooner than four years.

and, every time i soften up on the greens, elizabeth may opens up her mouth and says something awful. no, liz, i'm not going to support a neo-con foreign policy that looks like it was written by michael ignatieff. sorry. the responsibility to protect is just a bullshit excuse to advance an imperialist agenda. we need to get out of the middle east altogether, yesterday. i can't vote for somebody that talks like this...

so, it initially seemed like the best outcome of this was to knock the liberals down, but the left is so bad right now, so not left, that it doesn't seem worthwhile. the more pressing issue is to overturn and replenish the left....otherwise, we're not getting anywhere.

the best thing that ndp supporters can do right now is to push the ndp's numbers down as low as possible in order to force singh out and replace him with an atheist. and, the best thing we can do if we're environmentalists is wait out elizabeth may - this has to be her last election.

i'm not going to vote for the liberals, but i can't vote for these other parties, either.

next time, i hope they're more left-wing - and they should interpret my abstention as a vote for them to shift left.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this