Thursday, October 10, 2019

the headache's back, so i don't know how useful i'm going to be for the night.

i don't have a swab, but i'm 95% sure it's strep. given that i started feeling sick sunday night, i actually probably picked it up on friday. there's a few ways i could have done that...

and, it's screwing up my sense of smell. i haven't smelled any drugs tonight, but there's a background odour that i think is tobacco but can't, at the moment, smell enough to be sure of. it's like 40% tobacco, 30% burnt meat and 30% bacteria or fungi. so, it could be the mattress again, or i could just be smelling the strep (there is a "sick" smell, when you smell your any pathogens in your nose or mouth), or it could be smoke from upstairs, or something else entirely. i will need to wait for my sense of smell to come back, better, first. that means the pot might have been stronger than i thought...

the aspirin was working before i fell asleep; the headache actually didn't come back until i finished my pasta. i don't think it's the food.


i guess i'll get some more aspirin and give it another go, but i'm not convinced i'm very useful right now, or am going to be able to do much of anything besides sleep.

i don't get sick very often. i really don't. but, strep can be brutal, regardless, and i seem to have hit it pretty hard.

again: if this had anything to do with my lungs, i'd be coughing.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this