Wednesday, October 30, 2019

can bernie save his ass by doing a u-turn on the gays and going back to his old self?

it's true that, for me, this is personal. but, that's not really the point.

i don't actually think that bernie, as an individual, is anti-gay at all - i don't think he cares, either way. he's not the kind of person that would. what i think is that he's taken a lot of bad political advice and made a horrific miscalculation. see, but that's even worse because this isn't coming from any deep level of conviction - it's not a belief or an ideology, for him, it's a cold political calculation that demonstrates that he's entirely willing to throw what is unquestionably the most vulnerable minority on the planet under the bus.

he likes to talk about how he's willing to stand up for people.

but, when you won't stand up for the people that need to be stood up for the most, when you instead stand with those that want to hurt the people that can least defend themselves, the entire rhetorical device gets thrown away.

so, who does bernie stand with? it seems like he stands with those it is convenient to stand with.

and, then what's the point of hearing him backtrack, if you know it's just because he's realized he's losing support?

my disinterest may fade, over time. but, he can't win me back as a supporter, which, at the moment, would appear to be something he's proud of.