Tuesday, October 15, 2019

marijuana and alcohol just aren't the drugs that have the effects that i'd be likely to get hooked on. they're fun here and there, and especially in social situations. but, i'm just not an alcoholic, just not a pothead - being drunk and/or stoned all the time would make me so depressed that i'd want to kill myself. broadly speaking, i can't stand being drunk and/or stoned at home, by myself. i need sobriety, need to focus.

i've beaten nicotine addiction, but that was my vice, not pot or booze. and, what's left is large amounts of coffee. huge amounts of coffee.

if i was ever going to get badly addicted to something, it would be an upper, not a downer. cocaine. meth. i've never done them, and don't want to, but those are the drugs that would "get" me, not alcohol or pot.

i've never done it, but i think i'd hate heroin. don't misunderstand me: i'm not interested in playing chicken with this. get that shit away from me - no thank you. i'm happy to admit i can't handle it. but, i actually suspect i'd try it and hate it so much that i'd never go near it again. if i ever found myself addicted to a downer, it would necessarily change me into an entirely different person - the person i am, and always have been, would just hate it, i'm sure of it.

that was a crazy summer. i'm almost 40. how many more will i have left?

but, most of the time, i just want more coffee, thanks.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this