Tuesday, October 15, 2019

there really does seems to be a monopoly of hijabed or niqabed muslim women on service industry jobs in this city, and if you don't believe me just walk around.

i guess it's probably some kind of government program - the employers probably get a deal on it. they're still a distinct minority, here, and you see it as soon as you leave the store. i might even go so far as to say that the only time i see muslim women anywhere is as cashiers at the store; if it wasn't for that, i wouldn't really know they were even here. i mean, you don't see them at concerts. you don't see them at the bars...

i've made a few comments about this before, along the lines of mentioning that i'd avoid them if i could, but it's actually kind of challenging at points. i went to three grocery stores today (not for that reason...), and it was the same face of conformity at all of them.

but, what i'm thinking about right now is what was there before them. i mean, i think about what's going to happen if they force me to get a job sometimes, and i'm going to end up applying for these jobs. i'm not going to want to wear a hijab or a niqab - i'm going to want to wear tight-fitting clothing and makeup. and, wasn't that the norm a year or two ago?

what happened to the pretty, friendly girl at the cash register?

she doesn't seem to exist anymore. what we have now is the drab conservatism of a religion that most of the people in this area don't care much for.

and, it does feel like you're getting invaded, even if the truth is closer to corporate welfare for businesses that hire women that cover-up - which is an incentive of exceedingly questionable merit.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this