Friday, October 18, 2019

yeah, i'm putting the chances of going out tomorrow at roughly 10%.

the actual reason is that my throat is still a little raw. i never really made it up past 90% health - i may have gotten a little worse a few days ago, and then kind of flatlined around it. i'm certainly feeling relatively healthy and everything, but maybe bicycling across detroit in 15 degree weather (and back in 10 degree weather) isn't the best idea right now.

i'll see how i feel tomorrow.

it's also going to depend on if i can actually patch that tire or not, and i don't want to look at it until i wake up, which should be in the morning.

this master document tends to misbehave fairly predictably. the computer flat out crashed last night when i was sleeping; i don't seem to have lost anything, but i don't see any good reason for the crash, either. and, the document froze on me this afternoon, making me start over on the time consuming web page section, after i was half done.

i'm half done again and have it saved, at least. but it should be done by now. alas...

i was hoping for before noon; it looks like before i crash makes more sense. and, if i'm in, i should get most of it done with by the time i leave the house again next, which would be monday.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this