Monday, October 14, 2019

you seem to want a world that operates on the principle of "i do something for you, you do something for me". and, then you don't care what those people think or believe, so long as there's a quid pro quo. that's capitalism.

that's not the world i want.

i want a world that operates on the principle "we agree with each other, so let's do something together". which means that i do care about what you think and believe and why you're doing it. and, it means i don't care if there's a quid pro quo or not - it won't affect my behaviour. that's socialism.

if the turks get out of hand, there will need to be a reaction. as it is, they are doing the right thing in driving the kurds - who were in the wrong - out. that's what's important, not who did what for who yesterday or the day before.

the liberals are supposed to do better than this