Saturday, November 16, 2019

i would like to see some renewal at foreign affairs, but if the pmo is going to bring back the deputy prime minister role, they should probably avoid appointing an upper class american that sits in a riding in toronto.

that would be pretty tone deaf.

it's not a constitutionally mandated position, and in the sense that it means "she's next", it would be broadly contradicting the changes that trudeau & butts brought in after 2013 to try and increase voter interest in the leadership.

i don't think she could win a leadership contest - she's a conservative, and the liberal base is way to the left of the actual party. she'd have a ceiling of around 20% against much of anybody. people would sign up to vote her out.

if there needs to be some process put in place to change the leadership of the party, and maybe there does, she's a one-way ticket back to opposition.

there's no way i would vote for her.