Saturday, November 16, 2019

it's not clear to me what jurisdiction they have here, and my kneejerk reaction is consequently actually about canadian sovereignty. it's bad enough that warren is doing a poor job representing her own constituents. she has a lot of nerve calling for the canadian government to even answer her phone calls.

if i were the pmo, i'd tell her to write a letter to her mp.

that being said, it's really more reflective of the kind of right-wing populism that is defining the democratic primary at the moment. warren and sanders are the worst when it comes to this, because they're really just mirror reflections of donald trump. they're desperately grappling for some kind of enemy to define - bankers, the rich, technology, gays and, now, apparently, canada. and, she kind of is a south park republican, isn't she?

there's a level of randomness regarding the behaviour of whales, meaning some of them are going to get hurt, regardless. to an extent, you can't stop it. but, i'd like to see what the review says. i think we might come out fairly well in a systemic study, but if there are reasonable steps that the government can take then i think positive suggestions would be well received by both the sitting government and a large percentage of the canadian voting public. i do believe that there have been regulations introduced recently to restrict commercial vessels from operating at specific speeds; that is, this is something the government has actually legislated on fairly recently. they are more likely to be receptive than dismissive.

so, i think that canada would welcome any kind of constructive debate on the topic, actually.

but, warren doesn't want constructive debate - she wants to find an enemy to demonize and then try and build a campaign of hate around. the way to stop her from doing that is to call her on it and deconstruct it as she does it.

what i would like to support is a candidate that offers a positive socialist vision for the country and the continent, and she's about as far from that as is possible.