Sunday, November 24, 2019

this is easy to understand if you stop imagining that marijuana is some kind of medicine and recognize that it's a recreational drug, like alcohol.

if you're having a shitty week, will getting drunk with your friends make you feel better? for a while, probably. likewise, smoking a joint on a friday night might be stress-relieving, sure.

but, if you get shitfaced every day for a month, what are you going to feel like at the end of it? and, that's the proper way to understand these "medicinal" users - they're essentially just dirty, shit-faced drunks. from a data-driven perspective, they're having all of the same cognitive problems you'd associate with alcoholism.

the conclusion is that smoking drugs at the bar or with your friends may be fun on the weekend, but it's not something you should do on a daily basis, and especially not by yourself.