Tuesday, December 3, 2019

it's classic mainstream media, though, isn't?

they set up ridiculous strawmen, and then when the evidence demonstrates how absurd they're really being, they use that evidence to argue against the strawmen, rather than to debunk their absurdity.

so, when it turns out that warren supporters are moderates (as should have been obvious, based on the content of her policies.) rather than socialists (which nobody would have thought if they were being evidence-based to start with), it follows that voters don't care about ideology, and not that warren's supporters actually align with her policies, in the spectrum.

and, i'l tell you why. it's not a horrible conspiracy, or at least not how you think. it's just that they want the ratings. they want to be able to paint the democratic candidate as a socialist, but they don't want the candidate to actually be a socialist. 

so, they can't print that warren is a moderate conservative, even though everybody knows that she is, just like everybody knew that obama was. they have to keep printing that she's a psychotic socialist, because she has that D. evidence means nothing, to these people, except in terms of how to get around it.

no. it has to be that voters don't care about policy...

but, we do care about policy.

and, we know where warren sits in the spectrum.

and, we're adjusting ourselves accordingly.