Tuesday, December 3, 2019

listen, i'm not going to shed a tear if buttigieg makes the same mistakes that sanders did, although i suspect that he won't.

they want to make it about age, and there's probably something to it, but i think the dominant factor is geography, rather than age. he can win votes in chicago and detroit and milwaukee and philadelphia - black voters in these cities are not going to care much, even if they are a little older. to use a canadian cliche, it's 2019. you'd have to be really old to live in chicago at this point and still be dragging around attitudes from before the sexual revolution, so old that you'd be getting into a statistical tail end. in major american cities, the cut-off age for modern views on homosexuality isn't 50 at this point - that's gen x - it's 75 or 80. it's only the very oldest black voters that are going to get pissy about this...

but, the south is different all around.

and, pete is wasting his time and his resources campaigning in atlanta or nashville.

he wrote a paper on sanders when he was a kid. he can ask him. bernie just spent years trying to break through to them, and they just see him as a jew from new york.

to southern conservative voters, both black and white, pete's never going to be anything more than the gay kid from canada.

(with a healthcare plan that's to the right of the conservative party)