Tuesday, January 7, 2020


so, you install to your pc. it understands the drivers for the hardware in your pc. things seem fine.

you take your hard drive out of your pc and put it in your laptop for testing. normally, you'd expect to maybe get a prompt for a few drivers.

but, your screen is burnt out, so you're relying on vga drivers, which are one of the last things to load, so you can't see a damned thing until you're done booting.

as such, your machine is stuck at the nag screens. what do you do?

i have the exes from intel, but i have to get into the os before i can run them. i tried to run them on the desktop anyways - at least windows will know the files are there, now. let's see if that works.

but, this was merely a troubleshooting step, one i may be willing to forego. it does not appear as though the bios is inserting these kill events. thankfully.

i guess it is useful to figure out if they may come back from one of the internal drives, if something is hiding in there. so, i guess that's the next step.

and, the next batch of troubleshooting is going to occur on the pc, anyways, because i have to determine where the break is. i don't think it's in the registry. we'll find out, though.