Tuesday, January 7, 2020

i did take that shower after all, i might even need to be showering twice daily down here with the dry air, which is just oppressive, it's like a fucking desert, and i am back up.

i'm the type that would be happy to live in a rainforest. i've been known to quip that i'd like to live near the equator, if it weren't for the muslims and the wild animals. 

i've got pails of water out to try and fight the dry heat, and i'm still chapped.

with the fan on the higher setting, the smell is at least mostly gone. still...

so, i'm going to mess around on the factory install for a while and see what happens. what happens after a few reboots? are those weird files coming back? are there servers installing in the background?

i've been clear enough that i really think this is government, but what if it's some script kiddie, like i thought before?

i need to let you in on something, kid. my internet? it's a 6 mbps connection. max.

and, i made that choice partly because of kids just like you.