Thursday, January 2, 2020


here's the hard truth.

when somebody tells you they oppose "cultural appropriation", what they actually mean is that they're opposed to racial mixing.

that's really what they're saying - that they think cultures should stay apart from each other, that we should segregate ourselves by race and religion. separate but equal? i wouldn't even give most of them the benefit of the doubt.

it's one of a multitude of examples of the neo-liberal orwellianism underlying the current backwards understanding of race on the contemporary fake left, where egalitarianism has been turned on it's head, and open, crude displays of racism prevail as the status quo, while it's proponents frame it in contrasting language.

i'm a post-culturalist, an alter-globalist, an anarcho-communist, an advocate of defining a new global culture based on universal secular values and leaving the old, conservative ones behind. atheism for all.

so, appropriation is a tool that the left should be taking greater advantage of, as a means of co-option. we shouldn't let the reactionaries continue to slow us down...