Sunday, January 19, 2020


so, i was expecting to not get this form 68 until after they get the factum in, and i double checked the order from the 10th, and it does indeed give them until the 31st.

so, they have until the 31st to file the factum, still. that's still the case. but, i got the form 68 very early, for some reason.

i don't see any particular instructions regarding this form, and there's a few things i'm unclear about:

1) can i mail/fax this or do i need to go there in person? yeah. 
2) did they send the form to everybody? it makes it seem like i need to get them to sign this piece of paper, indicating i need to get to toronto for them to do it. or, maybe everybody can mail in their own forms...
3) what are the deadlines?

so, i have to call tomorrow. i can't do anything until then.

in the mean time, i'm going to try to answer some of these questions on my own.