Sunday, January 19, 2020

so, what's going on?

i spent all day yesterday updating the files offline, because i know what happens when i go back online. the files are all updated, and i should have something up at noise trade soonish. 

and, sure enough, it didn't take long for the machine to crash once i went online to splice the files...

but, i turned off a few specific things, and it seems to be preventing the bluescreen. now, it comes up with some kind of listener over udp, instead, that appears to be trying to send some kind of report back to head office.

it doesn't matter. 

so, i will need to reformat that machine before i go back online. it's perhaps an improvement, but it's not safe to connect with it, for right now.

i'm also noticing that, when i went to go search for my blogspot site, the teenager's pages are at the top of the feed. see, this is kind of getting the point across - somebody wants the world to think that deathtokoalas is from new york, instead of from canada, despite the fact that the poster was obviously canadian, because they pointed it out every other day. anybody that actually read my posts knows i'm from canada. it's just absurd to suggest i'm from new york.

i don't know what the end goal is here, but there is no endpoint but failure, and i should have my blogs from december up within a few hours.

and, yes - i'll have to reformat the other machine before i go back online. and, did you lose your report? awww.