Tuesday, February 11, 2020

it's interesting to me to see the order in which the data is coming in.

what i've been waiting for to post is for klobuchar's numbers to hit 18%, and they did fall to 19% for a bit, which on the screen likely means below 19.5%, but the fact that the numbers are disproportionately rural, and have been since the start, means she's getting a bit of an inflated result.

and, now she's talking with that inflated result on the screen.

i don't like her policies very much, but my interest is in analyzing the numbers. i don't work in the field, but i have a math degree. i'm interested in the analysis; i'm not really interested in the human condition. so, i'm not trying to denigrate this woman.

but, her numbers are going to come down before the end of the night....

...and the media isn't going to be able to prop her up forever.

(nbc just claimed she declared victory, which she did not do.)

i'll wait for more of the numbers to come in before i continue. but, what you're watching on tv is a charade.