Monday, March 23, 2020

i've been clear that i don't see any reason to think that slowing the spread of this thing is desirable - i think they should protect the elderly, and otherwise just let it run it's course.

i'm a civil libertarian, and i believe singularly in the direction of science. authoritarian government lockdowns based on flimsy evidence really aren't my cup of tea. 

this discussion is many weeks too late at this point; it's kind of hard to undo what's been done. if he eases up now, all the damage he created was essentially pointless, but you don't expect better from this guy.

they need to key in on specific groups, regardless, and they're not. if they keep up the fascist lockdowns, and they don't implement smart policy, then people are going to die, anyways. so, you'd might as well ease up. and, if they key in on the right groups, then there's no reason to make the many suffer for the benefit of the few.

this is no doubt not his reasoning, so it's a stretch to suggest i agree with him. but, i don't see the scientific justification underlying this, i think we've given into fear and unreason, and i agree it should end asap.