Monday, March 16, 2020

the motion itself just instructed me to ask for consent, implying i didn't need to file anything.

looking through the rules, the registrar can't file it (because reply factums aren't in the list of things she can do) and i can't file a consent motion because i can't sign a consent order.

so, i have to file it without consent.

even though i have consent...

rather than file without consent, which could take 14 days, i'm going to make a request to change the court's order, because i do technically have consent, i just can't sign a consent order. then, i'm going to file under 37.07 (2):

(2) Where the nature of the motion or the circumstances render service of the notice of motion impracticable or unnecessary, the court may make an order without notice.  R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, r. 37.07 (2).

that's what we need, here.