Monday, March 16, 2020

people that move too far towards collectivism, and reject the individual outright, are not anarchists (who seek a synthesis between individualism and collectivism via dialectical reasoning), but are rather called fascists - and include stalinists and nazis. they draw mostly from hobbes, ultimately. mussolini called himself a corporatist, and these words - corporatism, fascism, collectivism - are really all the same thing.

it's the exact thing you want to be very careful about, on the left; when you hear them start ranting against the individual, that's a red flag to step back and realize they aren't socialists, they're fascists. it's the exact thing you want to avoid; it's exactly when you know this is bad news.

the types of socialism that you want to associate with will not do that, but will insist on the concept of human rights, even as they reshape the discourse to include things like shelter and reject things like property. human rights are the pinnacle of liberal individualism.

marx followed bentham, a tory, in his rejection of human rights as "anarchistic". proudhon, bakunin and kropotkin did not. and, that is itself a key difference in their approaches to socialism.