Saturday, March 28, 2020

the president should allow the declaration, send the money and point fingers afterwards - being incompetent in her response to the crisis is not a reason for michiganders to die due to a lack of resources.

but, i've been starkly critical of what i've seen, and have to point to the facts of the matter, which are that the governor's reaction was not science-based.

the first thing she did was close bars & restaurants, while allowing hair salons, markets, places of worship, factories and, most crucially, retirement homes to stay open, as though this was being spread through extra-marital sex, or something. it was a bizarrely political reaction, designed to scapegoat a category of people; worse, it left open the most vulnerable groups to transmit the disease over the most obvious vectors of transmission - work, church and contact with seniors.

so, yes - whitmer botched this terribly, and she should be held accountable for it. but, that's not a reason to withhold supplies when she asks for them. it's not the sick peoples' fault that the governor is an idiot....