Saturday, March 28, 2020

well, it's at least consistent. 

the science has never upheld banning international travel, and i've demonstrated this point repeatedly - people just avoid the checkpoints on their journey from a to b. this is well researched and well understood. but, the logic only ever applied at the very beginning, before the onset of community spread, which was weeks ago. if you know the virus is circulating, banning international travel is just erecting a scapegoat, as you're just as likely to spread it via domestic travel.

so, it is at least consistent.

but, it's a consistency of failure - if you do something wrong in a way that affects a small number of people, expanding it to a greater number of people is just being more wrong.

why is our government looking towards fascist states to model a solution to this? does it not expose an alarming tendency to embrace authoritarian models? is this the worst kind of pragmatism, or is it just an excuse to carry through with long held aspirations towards fascism?

if you tell me i can't take a train or a plane, then i'll take the bus instead. this is a slower means of travel and will consequently infect more people. and, if you tell me i can't take a bus, i'll hitchhike at the truck stop. are you going to put me in jail? i'll sue you for infringing on my constitutional rights, as soon as you reopen the courthouses. 

again: we need to stop trying to control the spread of this. this is basically the common cold on steroids. have we ever been able to contain the common cold? would we ever be so arrogant as to try?

this virus is a new fact of life, and something we're going to have to learn to adapt to. we need rules restricting access to the vulnerable, not rules restricting the flow of people.

and, those that refuse to adapt, including those named trudeau, will die off in time.

he was doing well at first, really. but, he caved to public opinion, to appease the scientifically illiterate, the evan solomons of the world, rather than follow the science, as harsh as it sometimes is. and, i hope that the thuggish, hamfisted approach he's adopted is his undoing, in the end.