Sunday, March 22, 2020

You would think there was nothing going on in parts of New York City," he said in a news conference Sunday. "You would think it was just a bright, sunny Saturday."

"This is just a mistake," he added. "It's insensitive, it's arrogant, it's self-destructive, it's disrespectful to other people and it has to stop and it has to stop now."

no, cuomo.

what's mistaken is your analysis of the situation.

you see what's in front of you - and you criticize it. but, this is the reality. you can see it with your eyes, and you process it with your brain and you speak about it with your mouth.

this is an empirical question, and you have the ability to analyze it.

but, rather than say "the world is not reacting. we need to adjust, we need to adapt.", you insist on pushing down harsher rules, harsher laws.

how much information do you need to process, mr. cuomo, before it is clear to you that you need to stop treating this as a general problem that everybody has to deal with and begin treating it as a specific problem that affects a very narrow group of people?

and, when will you finally announce rational, evidence-based strategies to protect the vulnerable, as this thing runs out of control?