Tuesday, April 14, 2020

am i awake yet?

i dunno.

what else did i need to do today?

i called the human rights tribunal, and they told me the file hasn't been touched in weeks, and i'm best to send an email to the registrar. the deadline was the 24th of march and nothing was received, but that's probably not very relevant. i just want to understand what the next steps are.

i need to refill my estrogen prescription and probably call them tomorrow.

i think that's everything.

so, maybe i can get something to eat and focus on catching up with the vlogging. i need to clean in here tonight, too...

i'm very bitchy right now, clearly. that head cave didn't work very well. i'm just tired and grouchy and glitchy, right now. it won't last forever...

once i get my pills, i'm going to try to plan around being inside until the next time i need them again, which is going to be in mid may.

one thing at a time means stopping to eat, first.