Tuesday, April 14, 2020

when will we know if these lockdowns were a stupid waste of time or not?

don't fall for their models that claim that we saved thousands of lives by staying inside. it's all a lot of complete bullshit.

the fact is that we won't know until we do mass testing for antibodies. if we find out immediately that 65-70% of the people tested have antibodies, we'll have to realize that this was a stupid waste of time. if we find out that the number is more like 20-60%, we'll have to conclude that we might have slowed it down a little, but the effects of the shutdown were ultimately minimal, except perhaps to make it easier to spread in high risk populations.

if immunity ends up closer to 10%, we'll know what we did actually stopped it.

and, it's not lower than 10%; if we get numbers much lower than that, we'll want to question them, and wonder what we're doing wrong.