Wednesday, April 29, 2020

do we need a re-evaluation of morals on this continent?

we'll, i'd argue we already had one, and we're kind of in a point of flux regarding which side really wins the debate. we're in the midst of a major generational overturn, that's being muddled and confused by increasing levels of slave morality via mass immigration.

like nietszche, i'm not a nihilist. i'd rather call for the rationalization of christian morality, and would even settle for a sort of re-embrace of natural law, at least to start, than an embrace of master morality. i'm not a christian at all, but i am a secular humanist. christianity actually has a history, however flawed, of using logic and reason to uncover right from wrong, and that's actually the tradition i'd most identify as being a part of.

but, any roman emperor would consider what we're doing to be insane, and i'm certainly leaning in that direction, myself.