Sunday, April 26, 2020

i just want to address a point i'm making about forcing migrants to come in the front door.

am i not denying the hardships that they're going through? well, i'm directing them to the proper application process, i'm not denying them offhand. so, your argument essentially reduces to urgency, and, yes, i am going to push back against that, because everybody's situation is urgent in their own way, and to decide that your own situation is more urgent than everybody else's without consulting anybody or leaving it up to analysis is actually pretty selfish, isn't it?

we've got thousands of people sleeping on the streets here. are their situations not urgent?

so, what gives you the self-importance and flat out gall, really, to show up here uninvited and demand that your issues are prioritized?

queues suck, but they're real. i would support prioritization, at some level - but, as the sovereign nation, that decision needs to be in our own hands, and not decided by the people seeking refuge.

my understanding is that a lot of people get here and are shocked to come face to face with the homeless population; they don't expect that - they expect a disney reality, with gold-paved streets and free money raining down from the skies. and, that's partly our own fault for mismarketing ourselves, going back a very long time.

equality runs in every direction.