Saturday, April 18, 2020

i'm an atheist, through and through; i want religion to just stop. completely. forever...

but, this is an example of the broader realignment issues, in that it falls neatly into this narrative i'm trying to build about what the lesser evil may be, moving forward. i'm a socialist, clearly. but, when forced to choose between conservatism, as presented by the democrats, and nihilism, as presented by the republicans, my opposition to conservatism may actually be stronger. i'm just as likely to argue that republican nihilism is preferable to democratic conservatism as i was to argue that democratic liberalism was a lesser evil to republican conservatism.

likewise, if i have to choose between a democratic party that is embracing some kind of burkeanesque interfaith approach to religion, and a republican party that is moving fully into a post-modernist framework that may pay lip service to it but doesn't actually legislate around it, i'll pick post-modernism as the less horrible option, even if i think both are terrible. i'm less afraid of post-modernism than i am of comparative religious studies.

we're still a ways out from this, and things may change, in the end.

but, seeing the democrats spend money on "mindfullness" and "meditation" is bone-chilling. it makes you stop and wonder where the country is going to be in a few more decades.