Saturday, April 18, 2020

the who is now claiming there's no evidence that antibodies cause immunity, which is like something out of the twilight zone. it's just weird.

listen: i'll admit that i've been kind of baffled by what i'm hearing from them since this started. you can sort through the side to see my reactions. so, this is just the latest in a series of bizarre announcements that i've been struggling to make sense of from day one.

based on what i've heard them say, i'm actually more worried about the influence of some kind of shady muslim group than i am about the influence of the chinese, who corrected some of their data today (as was expected; expect more), and, frankly, seem to be as baffled by the situation as everybody else. it's actually south korea rather than china that i'm most skeptical about hiding cases and/or deaths right now, after all of that propaganda in their favour.

so, i don't want to advocate defunding them, especially given that doing so would just hand the body over to actors that are hostile to this continent.

but, i might call for the director to resign. and, i might suggest some kind of investigation to figure out what the hell is going on, and why they keep making these bizarre announcements.

again: you don't need an advanced degree to be baffled by the claim that there's no evidence that antibodies help with immunity. this is just the latest in a series of flatly weird announcements coming from the who since day one on this. so, i'll ask the same question i asked when this started: what's really going on, here?