Friday, April 17, 2020

so, i found myself in an odd situation last night.

i finally made a large plate of pasta and sat down to eat it around 9:00. i would normally eat a half a plate, and put the rest in the fridge. but, my fridge is so full of fruit and soy milk that i had nowhere to place the leftovers. what do you do?

i decided to force myself to eat all of it, and it took quite a while - time i spent by watching get smart rereuns on dailymotion. i can't remember the last time i watched this much tv, and i actually really don't like it. like so many other people, this computer is my only way to understand what's happening right now, but i don't want to develop a habit of using the device for passive entertainment - it's unhealthy, both physically and mentally.

but, after eating twice as much as normal, i found myself horribly bloated and had to sit down for even longer, meaning i watched some more old reruns.

so, i lost another day.

i need to get up and finish that cleaning, now - including doing laundry, as well as cleaning myself. is it time to wash my jacket and put it away for the year, yet? or should i wait a few more weeks?

the spring has been variable, so far. we've had some warm days and some cold ones; i'd guess it averages out to something relatively "normal", even if it feels more like a series of swings. so, it's hard to tell if i should do it now or wait, but if i'm able to stay inside into mid may like i want then the answer may be more obvious next week.

ok. up i go...