Friday, April 17, 2020

the last virus that we dealt with in this region was not the spanish influenza, or polio.

the last virus that we dealt with in this region was nafta. and, from the carnage that was created, emerged a slogan, often stated by the bourgeois elite when challenged about holding to such a destructive policy: there are winners and there are losers.

but, what that means in context is that there are those who are wealthy and own property, and those who are poor and do not - a brutal truth in an economic system that routinely discards life for a few pennies on the dollar.

now, we have a virus that is deadly for the elderly and weak, and largely harmless for everybody else (with statistically valid exceptions for what amount to the unlucky, which is a constant through existence).

do we still have winners and losers, now that this is no longer about class, and the family members of the elite are just as vulnerable as those of the poor?

it's funny how they change their tune, isn't it?