Monday, April 27, 2020

the javascript is indeed still somewhat of a problem, which is partly because youtube is a pig with javascript, and partly due to the age of the machine. you can't turn that off, either.

but, the choppiness issue seems to be mostly fixed...

it works, at least - and it was updated at the beginning of this month. so, this is certainly my best option, so long as it runs smoothly enough to be usable.


i'm behind on eating again, so i'm going to focus on that before i get in the shower and probably crash.

so, i would have liked to get a bit more done today, certainly. but, if this solution holds, then it's at least a major step in the right direction towards being able to do the rather normal thing of making my self something to eat and watching a youtube stream at the table while i'm eating it. if i don't have to think about that anymore, it should be a step towards greater productivity in finishing the liner notes up.

if not, i think what i've learned is that my only other real option is to hone in on the correct older version of chrome.