Sunday, April 19, 2020

the more substantive point i'm trying to make is that when i have these arguments, my opponents rarely seem to be properly informed about the issues, and this holds across the spectrum. they get very angry at me, without realizing that their anger is largely rooted in false perceptions of what reality actually is - that their perception of clinton is a projection, and they'd have been sorely disappointed by what they'd get.

i don't have the appropriate studies to cite, and i don't think it's likely i'll get them unless somebody specifically studies the issue, directly. but, what i've hypothesized in the past is that the fake left's perception of clinton is actually indirectly defined by fox news and other right-wing media, who have created this strawman of clinton as this extreme leftist - much as they did for obama. but, people know better with obama, i think. with clinton, the smears have been going on for so long that even people that define themselves as leftists have lost their grip on the truth of it.

certainly, if you got your information from right-wing media, you'd think clinton was pro-choice, because that's one of the things they use to smear her with, and have been for many, many years. but, she's been trying to correct the point since at least the 90s - she's opposed late trimester abortions her entire political career. she's on record for this as late as mid-2016 - at townhalls, in debates. they don't want you to know that, though, so they pick up their bullhorns and they yell and scream the opposite, and that yelling and screaming has defined the skewed perception of the reality of it, both in their own audience and amongst their opponents.

yes, i would like to see that more rigorously examined, or at least for somebody to examine the point a little bit more clearly. the fact is that clinton's political position for many years has been to support a constitutional amendment to permanently end late term abortions. that's the fact. why do so many democrats think otherwise?