Wednesday, May 6, 2020

i don't understand why people second guess others on this.

if i go into a doctor's office and tell you point blank that i want you to take my testicles away, that's something i've thought about. frankly, i don't care about your opinion, and think you're a narcissistic asshole for even presenting one - i'm here to have them out, so just shut the fuck up and get rid of them.

this should be no hassle, no questions asked and more or less on demand.

it's baffling to me that i have to win an argument, first, and that the people i'm tasked with arguing with are largely disinterested in it.

it's not the system, here - this is covered.

but, the doctors here are all religious, and it's kind of putting me in a culture shock.

who'd have thought that the most substantive interaction with religion that i will ever have in my life comes in trying to convince a doctor to snip my testicles out? why do i have to lower myself to such stupidity?