Tuesday, May 12, 2020

i'm not going to be gloating about my predictions in ontario and quebec actually happening.

most of the rest of canada is in truth very sparsely populated and very isolated, so you wouldn't expect a lot of through traffic, and you wouldn't expect a lot of spread. that is, in fact, what is happening. cities like halifax and winnipeg are unlikely to get hit hard until the waning stages of this, when the big cities have already reopened and there's basically nothing they can do to stop it further.

there is also vancouver, which has a lucky geography and which seems to be fluking out, somehow. but, the actual major counter-example to this in canada is alberta, who probably thinks they're getting off easy on this.

rather, i would expect calgary to peak some time after toronto - july, maybe august. and, they'll probably find a way to blame it on quebec, when it happens, but it's just the nature of how this thing seems to want to move in less densely populated regions, which is fairly slowly.

that doesn't mean i think they should stay locked down for the next year, it just means this thing is just getting started, here.