Tuesday, May 12, 2020

obviously, i'd rather sign up and take the cash and stay where i am while i wait for access to subsidized housing. but, that's not an option, unfortunately - i have to pick.

and, if i have to choose between taking the cash and losing access to smoke-free housing and kind of waiting it out with less cash for a while, the latter makes more sense to me - even if it costs me $3000/yr, which is 20% of my existing income.

that's not an easy choice; that's a lot of money for me! but, if i just end up spending it to move sideways, while eliminating my ability to get into a long-term housing solution, i'm not accomplishing anything. it's tempting, but it looks like it would be foolish.

the thing is, though....what if it takes 10 years? what if they pull the plug altogether next year, and i've just blown time? that's the gamble i'm making - i'm hoping that this clears the backlog a little, and makes it easier to get into subsidized housing. if i'm wrong, i'm screwed regardless, and am going to find myself back in conflict with welfare case drug addicts, either way.

i sent an email to the subsidized housing people already; maybe they can give me more information. they don't answer the phone. and, let's see what i can get from the landlord...