Tuesday, June 16, 2020


cancel this, forever - it's irreformable. it's legalized slavery, and we're actually worse than the americans in how we do it.

if we're going to bring people in on temporary work visas, we should be ensuring that they get the same wages, rights and benefits as native-born workers, and we should enforce the law by inspecting the areas frequently - and sending employers that break the rules repeatedly to jail.

but, we're not going to do that. and, if we did, we would defeat the point - we bring them in so we don't have to pay them the same wages or give them the same rights and benefits of native-born workers, because it's so much more profitable to hire a slave.

do i think that canadians should do this work instead? we're often told that canadians don't want to do this, which i think is a misrepresentation of the facts - canadians may not want to work at below minimum wage in an industry with no collective bargaining, but what's the actual problem here, insofar as that's true?

but, this is the wrong question to ask at this stage in history.

the right question to ask is if we can automate this, thereby emancipating the labour involved. and, the answer is surely that we're pretty close to it.

let's hope this is the push required to finally mechanize this, and end this barbarity once and for all.
