Wednesday, July 15, 2020

science, in general, is the opposite of what conservatives call "common sense".

i will usually strenuously oppose "common sense" policies because i'm in solidarity with science.

and, these trumpist border closures - which make intuitive sense to the uneducated, but are not backed by science - are a perfect example of this.

again: i would expect this kind of stupidity from a conservative government, but the liberals are supposed to argue that science > "common science". and, they're not.

there's some things that a government can do that are disappointing, and there are others that indicate a fundamental shift in governing philosophy. this is the latter.

i don't think there's any other liberal government in canadian history that would have tossed the science in the trash and caved into populist ignorance, like this. it's in line with my analysis over many years now, but it's really historic - this is an ideological shift in the ruling party, and one that is going to dramatically alter my view of the liberals as a science-based party for many years into the future.

and, they can't win without people like me, even if i'm currently in a dead riding.