Tuesday, July 28, 2020

so, i took advantage of the last day of warm weather to actually get some sleep today before it cools down to some unsleepable overnight lows, chilly and sort of scary numbers like 16 degrees celsius. brrrrrrr.

it's a reminder: it can get very cold in canada, even in july.

i meant to do a review of the subway scientist in the last post, but i forgot halfway through. yeah, laugh it up.

the pot was a little weaker than the last few i've bought, and that was noticeable (it was 19%), but i got a good count out of it so it sort of balanced out. however, if the selling point was that the product was supposed to have a distinctly fruity hue, then it simply didn't - i got a sort of artificial grape odour (almost like it had been sprayed with grape flavouring) for a few hours when i opened the pack, and some buds that almost looked burnt by something (maybe even the artificial flavouring). i don't want to slam this too hard, because it actually got the job done relatively well, and i want to reiterate that the count was good (in general, the RIFF products seem to have the best counts of the products i've tried, so far). but, it wasn't really what i was hoping for.

ok, so, now i need to get to cleaning and eating.

fwiw, when i say "catch up on eating", what i mean is catch up on my daily fruit bowls, not on my actual meals. i'm not going to sit and eat a week's worth of skipped pasta - that's gone. but, i will sit down and eat three bowls of fruit at a time, to catch up, if i skip a lot of them. what i actually want is to ensure i'm getting the bowl in every day....it's just hard to sit down and eat a bowl of cold fruit when it's cold....