Wednesday, July 22, 2020

speaking of which, i wanted to say something about what appears to be a developing movement to replace trudeau with freeland...

...which is likely to end in disaster. freeland is basically a fascist who ended up in the liberal party because it's the natural governing party, the canadian equivalent of an american neo-con that ended up in the republican party as a vehicle for power. she's very blatantly very far to the right of centre, and has a history of pretty vicious language against popular left-wing movements. any delusions that people continue to drag around about trudeau are going to evaporate on contact with freeland. freeland clearly doesn't respect trudeau very much. so, the major winner of a freeland coup is likely to be the ndp.

and, she lives on a different planet, so she's likely to argue the opposite - that canada is a culturally conservative country, and i'm out of the spectrum. we've seen this over and over - we saw it with ignatieff (who nearly allowed the ndp to actually win.), and we saw it with paul martin (who wasn't able to prevent an ndp surge from putting the conservatives in power). the ndp will shoot up ten points overnight...

but, what's going on? there used to be a kind of chretien faction on one side and a trudeau-freeland faction on the other. now, it seems like the entire machinery is aligning around freeland, and what's left of a chretien faction is fading fast.

these corruption scandals aren't helping, and i'm sure that the deep state upper management in the liberal party (the chretien/desmarais camp) is getting antsy about it.

but, what seems to have actually happened is that trudeau got stuck isolating, and found out people liked it better when he wasn't there.

i don't know if they try to do this to avoid losing the next election (which is stupid. trudeau will outpoll freeland on his worst day and her best.) or if they're planning on what to do when he inevitably does lose the next election.

but, unless some kind of movement develops to stop it, it seems like that's where we're heading.