Wednesday, July 22, 2020

i mean, could you imagine the fallout if chrystia freeland decides she's going to walk through the front door of a mosque?

as the prime minister of the country, you'd think she could walk through the front door, right?

but, the party actually forces it's female mps and staff to walk through the back door for these events.

and, if she does sink to the level of walking through the back door, how likely are they to take her seriously?

this is a key concept through this blog, this developing contradiction between the strategies these fake left political movements are taking to win voters, and what that implies for the kind of policies they end up legislating. eventually, when you find yourself reliant on the votes of specific groups, you're going to end up legislating in ways that appeal to them - and you're going to need to float candidates that appeal to them in order to win.

so, what next?

i don't know. what i know is that the demographics to elect a female liberal prime minister do not exist in this country at this time; in order for the liberals to swing the demographics they need to swing, they can't run women, and they can't run gays.