Sunday, August 16, 2020

i support increases to the minimum wage, but liberals are wrong to fight against the socialization of production, and a lot of self-identified socialists are very confused about the point.

socialism is defined as a system that evolves out of the development of large corporations, not as one that maintains a system of markets driven by small businesses, who will inevitably just retard the process to a fully communist society. there's no future in the bourgeois liberalism of a society built around small businesses.

as a socialist, i support policies to reduce competition (which we call anarchy in production), eliminate markets and increase the labour bargaining power of workers by positioning them in large, industry-wide unions.

so, i'd rather see a unionized walmart (which is a socialist future) where market competition is reduced and workers get huge proportions of the profits than argue in favour of breaking it all up (which is a liberal/conservative free market vision) and telling people to compete over who can sell useless crap more effectively.