Sunday, August 16, 2020

to be clear....

in logic, you can't make a false assumption, so long as it's consistent. that is, you can't contradict yourself in the process of making an assumption, so something like 2 + 2 = 5 wouldn't hold (because it's just wrong). but, logic doesn't care about your opinions, it merely seeks to regulate ways that you derive results from them.

i can consequently derive a perfectly coherent logical system from entirely wrong assumptions without ever actually making a fallacious deduction. in that case, if you want to argue with me, we need to have an argument about whether the axioms are justified, not whether i'm producing a bad argument from them.

and, as i've stated repeatedly, leftists are supposed to be good at this; our superior understanding of logic is supposed to be our most powerful weapon against the forces of the right, who operate on religious assumptions of dominance and submission.