Saturday, August 22, 2020

moving on, but i'll just remind you of this one more time for now: do you know what happens when i climax/orgasm?


because i'm incapable of ejaculating.

this process is called chemical castration and involves taking drugs that prevent the production of testosterone. when you don't produce testosterone, your testes don't work and you can neither produce sperm, nor ejaculate.

i didn't mark it on the calendar, but i haven't been able to ejaculate in well over ten years.

i've been trying to get my testes removed for years now, but cannot find a doctor willing to perform the procedure, voluntarily. i have been given funding by the ministry (finally.), and will probably need to spend a weekend in toronto doing it, despite the fact that there's probably 100 people between here and there that are qualified to do it but refuse to.

so, it's a very slow process.

if i'm lucky, i might get all of the is dotted to get me to srs by the time i'm 70, but probably not.