Thursday, August 20, 2020

my impression of meryam is that she would be an interesting choice primarily for people that are looking to build a more general left-wing party and are focusing strictly on the long term, and that she's approaching the greens as a kind of vehicle for the construction of a new party of the left; that is, she strikes me as somebody that's basically just fed up with the ndp and looking to move past it. the greens exist, therefore she is here. but, if her argument is rooted in the superiority of an electoral strategy that pushes the idea that the greens can win seats tomorrow by convincing more young people to vote by running a young person, i may suggest that the members look at the evidence of how successful such a strategy has been recently - but to do so across the board. compare and contrast the very large increases in turnout that the liberals managed under trudeau in 2015 (and disappeared last year) to the anemic turnout in the united states amongst young people, and try to figure out what you think a meryam-led party would more resemble, and truly be able to accomplish. do you think you can win seats by convincing young people to vote? then, perhaps you could see a good reason to support meryam. if you're a little skeptical about that, based on the evidence from recent elections, then maybe a different candidate may be preferable.