Monday, September 14, 2020

it seems like it's another day and it's another flaky attempt by biden to change the topic that's fallen flat on it's face.

and, why is that?

because he's a self-interested career politician. and, you can ask him, and he won't even sugar coat it.

"why are you running for office, joe?"

and he'll tell you it's a legacy project, the end of his career. it's about him.

so, he stumbles from one poorly presented, haphazardly (half-assedly, even) thrown together policy proposal to another, without stopping long enough to get jeered for it, because he doesn't have any deep reason for running, any raison d'etre to win.

strategy is useful, and i can help.

but, at the end of the day, you have to actually have a reason to run - some goal, some dream, some purpose.

the only dream that biden seems to have is to have the title printed on his tombstone. and, if he keeps running around like this, at the top of a pandemic, instead of staying at home with his grandkids where he belongs, he's going to get the tombstone without the title.

he's making this very difficult on everybody - and it's just getting harder, by the day.