Wednesday, October 7, 2020

and, i mean...

is this plastic bag ban going to be total?

are you going to ban produce bags? bread bags? bags in cereal boxes? you get the point.

what are you really reducing waste by, if the only bag you're banning is at checkout? 3%? 5%?

but, i'll tell you - if you stop giving me plastic bags, i'll have to start buying garbage bags. right? then, what's been accomplished?

the ideal is to give me a bag that decomposes properly, not to ban them from being distributed altogether.

but, this is the stupid party, and this is rule by twitter logic, so stupid & vacuous & shallow is what we're going to get...

they don't have to choose - they can do their stupid twitter ops and write substantive legislation at the same time. but, they have to make sure they do it right. and, this is why we need more greens in parliament - to make sure the greenwashing has something substantive embedded within it.